Harm Reduction


Our Expertise

For the last Twenty years MEWA Harm Health and Reduction Department (MHDR) has been providing technical assistance to the community, government of Kenya (GOK) and development partners in strengthening responses to drug and substance abuse, HIV prevention, care and treatment and economic empowerment of drug users through sustainable livelihoods.

Our Partners

MEWA partners with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), National Agency Campaign against Drug Abuse Authority (NACADAA), National AIDS Control Council (NACC) and the Ministry of Health’s National AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Control Programme (NASCOP) to strengthen drug rehabilitation programmes uptake on residential and community based detoxification and psychosocial support, HIV testing, counseling and access to care and treatment. The organization is also actively involved in Advocacy for policy change on rights of the drug users and their economic empowerment.